今天終於能夠有這個機會,去申請到Google所提供的1 GB Mailbox,原因是因為某個論壇的好心人,提供了他的推薦信給大家,所以我就很榮幸的成為被推薦的人囉....其實是去求人家寄給我的啦..:P


We're sorry, but we don't seem to be compatible.

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Microsoft IE 5.5 and newer (download: Windows)
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We hope to expand this list in the near future and announce new platforms as they become available. In the meantime, you can install one of the supported browsers from the links above. Or you can try again from a different computer in which a supported browser is installed or add your email address to our mailing list for Gmail updates.

Gmail is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.



但是卻不知道能幹嘛,我想,Google的Gmail最強的功能就是─可以很久很久才去刪一次信! 哈!

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